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Can F-1 Students on OPT be Self-Employed?

The F-1 visa is a gateway for internationals to pursue their education in the United States and get the American experience. Perhaps the most promising part of the F-1 is the Optional Practical Training or OPT. The OPT enables a student to gain professional experience and in many cases, avail immigration opportunities. 

F-1 visa holders would know that OPT lets them practice the knowledge they gain in the classrooms through employment but what about aspirant entrepreneurs? The students who want to venture into the world of working for themselves? The short and sweet answer is, yes!  

OPT can be utilized both before and after graduation, enabling a window of about 12 months for a student to have work authorization. Commonly, students pursue internships and full-time/ part-time jobs. However, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), OPT students are permitted to start their business ventures. The conditions put on self-employed F-1 students are straightforward:  

Related to your Major: The venture you are starting must directly relate to your studies. Your business should align with the academic objectives and goals of your degree. For example, as an accounting student, you should only open an accountancy business or something similar; as a computer science grad, you may start a web/software development firm. Starting a business in their field might be more promising for students who have pursued Science, technology, engineering, or mathematics degrees however, STEM-OPT does not provide the opportunity for self-employment.  

Inform your DSO: As someone with OPT, under all circumstances, you must have a valid Form I-20, endorsed by your Designated School Official (DSO). It is a crucial step to prove your eligibility for the OPT. In case of any changes to your business plans or its activities, you must inform your DSO and make sure that none of your actions violate the OPT terms.  

Commit to your work: As a self-employed F-1 student, you must work at least 20 hours in your venture. Although these hours seem less than a traditional job, do not underestimate the work that goes into planning and executing day-to-day business activities. You have to demonstrate utmost sincerity in your entrepreneurial journey! Besides, like any other entrepreneur in the US, you must adhere to reporting requirements such as employment status, changes in address, taxes, etc.  

We are here to help!  

Despite all the seemingly straightforward rules set for self-employment under the F-1 Visa, there are complexities in executing them as laws are often hard to understand. Any missteps might put a student’s OPT authorization and future immigration prospects in jeopardy. But Strat Consultancy is here to help!  

Formed by F-1 entrepreneurs, our consultancy provides A-Z support for students wanting to start their own firms while on OPT. We can help you to explore options, plan your ventures, file for incorporation, and more. Get in touch with us [today] and create your unique pathway to succeed in the United States.